February 23, 2015

2015/Henry Rollins/SfB/The Needle Drop/Kendrick's Control Verse/Challenge Accepted


I posted ZERO times between the end of year lists of 2013 and 2014.
Let's change that for 2015.

Music is such a massive part of my life. I listen to it constantly. I'm always looking for new and interesting music. BUT I DON'T TAKE ENOUGH TIME TO PROCESS IT! I have a massive backlog of music to listen to. Or music I've casually listened to but haven't formed more than a vague opinion about. I kind of know how I feel about the new Bjork album, but I'm not sure I could explain it. Because I haven't written about it. I find that only when I write do my thoughts become concrete. That's probably why I'm scared to write a lot of times.

Why is this changing? I need a hobby. I need to MAKE/PRODUCE something. I keep talking about so many things. This is one I can do NOW. I have no excuses except fear and laziness. also. Henry Rollins kicked my ass today.

Henry Rollins

Holy crap. So much rocking goodness. Jimi Hendrix Voodoo Chile raw outtakes. Alan Vega of Suicide covering Be Bop A Lua. Alternate versions of the Clash doing Brand New Cadillac. Just mind blowing song after song. So into this.

I knew Rollins was a scary looking dude who helmed Black Flag, but I was listening to his episode of the Nerdist Podcast today (it's an oldy. dig for it.) and am just blown away by this guy. Travels around the world to the places you shouldn't go making documentaries. 100+ shows a year. Buys a record a day.

BUT MY FAVOURITE PART! He said that while he was in Black Flag he said "I love those guys but I want to bury them!" Meaning that EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE A TEAM, "I WILL DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING TO BE BETTER THAN THEM." Not by bringing them down, or undermining them, but by working harder and shining brighter and being the best he can be. By being pushed by their excellence to be even more excellent.


Steel for Brains

Steel for Brains is the best metal blog I've come across. It started when author Jonathan K. Dick got divorced and was living by himself and just blasted metal loudly all day just to survive. He turned that pain and anguish into passion and a creative force. He's interviewed many of the best names in metal, has recently published his first Pitchfork review (which was excellent btw), has his own podcast, and I JUST FOUND OUT HE INTERVIEWED JOHN DARNIELLE of the MOUNTAIN GOATS! SON OF A BITCH! I will be reading THAT this week.

Also. He's a super dude. I rarely tweet. But I tweeted him three times last week and he replied thoughtfully every time. That made me feel good and also revealed much of his character to me.

The Needle Drop

Then there's Anthony Fantano, the internet's busiest music nerd, and his Needle Drop. He does video reviews. He's amazing. He puts out multiple videos a week. He's an up beat and thoughtful dude. and another inspiration for getting this blog going more.

Kendrick Lamar

Henry Rollins "Bury them" mentality bring to mind Kendrick's "Control" Verse where he called out other rappers and challenged them to step up, not as a "diss" but as a challenge to raise the bar for everyone. To give him something even brighter to aspire to.


So what now?

Now accept the challenge. SfB, Van Zanthony Townestano, I am going to do my best to surpass you. And even if I fail. Let's make the whole music blog world shine brighter.

With that challenge comes my commitment to post TWICE A MONTH. That's my minimum commitment to you: my readers, myself, my music.

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