January 28, 2011

The Graduate (1967) *****

Directed by Mike Nichols

Dustin Hoffman is Ben, who has just graduated from college and has no idea what to do with his life when he gets seduced by Mrs. Robinson. It's awkward and weird...and then he falls in love with her daughter. This is a movie about neurosis. Everyone is neurotic, with perhaps the exception of Elaine Robinson (the daughter).

A provocative plot, phenomenal actings, and really great editing and direction makes this film tense, funny and depressing all at the same time.

This is the movie that Wes Anderson tries to make every time, and fails. The Royal Tenenbaums (one of my favourite movies) came close, but crossed too far into the ridiculous to keep it believable. Every twisted thing in The Graduate could happen, the characters could be real. Anderson's films are charicatures, and great ones, but Nichols makes it hurt by keeping it close to home.

Brilliant. (and it doesn't hurt to have a Simon & Garfunkel soundtrack...)

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