April 20, 2013

Record Store Day

TODAY IS RECORD STORE DAY! My favourite secular "holiday." It happens to align with my least favourite secular holiday this year (besides kick a ginger day...), but that's another story.

This year I'm in Calgary and so had to wing it on which record store to go to. I don't have a local favourite yet. So I went to Heritage Posters and Music. Fun little shop with a decent selection, but a little heavy on the posters/cds to vinyl ratio. What really made the place was the owner, didn't catch his name but super friendly and helpful and more on the fun side of the scale than the weird. Proprietors can really make or break a record shop, it's really their personality in a store.

On to the haul!

Only picked up three records this year because of a tight budget, but I managed to get some beauts:

Captain Beefheart: Strictly Personal
Strictly Personal is a bastardized arrangement of weird blues and re-recordings of some of the Mirror Man sessions, which was kinda wrecked by the record company at the time. Beefheart didn't like the final product in the end but there are some decent jams including "Gimme Dat Harp Boy."

Rating 6.5/10 (Almost Great)

Captain Beefheart: The Legendary A&M Sessions
The A&M Sessions are some of Beefheart's most straight ahead blues tunes, but man they rock! I love this short LP to death.

Rating: 7/10 (Great)

The Move: Greatest Hits Vol. 1
I haven't listened to this (or anything by The Move) with the exception of their single "Brontosaurus" as of yet, but will give a brief review when I get to it. British Invasion psychedelia suggested by Greg Godovitz, my studio manager at OCL Studios. And there must be something to it, because when I brought it up to the counter at Heritage the owner's eyes looked up with delight and surprise and said in a british accent, "The MOOOOVE!" So. Looking forward to it!

That's it for now! :)

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