October 26, 2010

Led Zeppelin "4" 1971 vinyl [8/10]

"You JUST got Zeppelin 4?"

yes. i know. i'm sorry. and I've never listened to it before this either.


i know. i know. i have heard tracks of course, "Stairway" of course (though only 3 times probably) and "When the Levee Breaks" and I think "Black Dog."

There is obviously very little to say about his album. Everything has been said. Though I must admit that I now understand. I now believe. Here's a play by play of my first listen of one of the greatest rock records ever made. From "Black Dog"'s first howl of "Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move, gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove" I'm sold. "Rock and Roll" just keeps me moving. Which is good, because honestly "The Battle of Evermore" is kind of goofy. It someone never quite hits "Cheesy" territory tho, and for that it gets some kudos. "Stairway" is, well, "Stairway." Though that guitar solo had more punch than I remember.

Side Two: The stoned monotone of "Misty Mountain Hop" broken up with Robert Plant's squeals is just freaking rad and groovy. Is Bonham using "Four Sticks" to play this song? coz it's thumpin'! "Going to California" is really gorgeous. I like the mellower side of Plant's voice - see his collab with Alison Krause.

"Levee" is just a great freaking song. That beat, the howling harmonica, the moan. It's the track I'm most familiar with on the album and the track that made me start liking Zeppelin in the first place.

What an enjoyable listening experience. "Evermore" was the single lull for me. I haven't said a thing about Jimmy Page's guitar work because it's a given. However, for the record, it's amazing.

Summary: Legendary Rock 'n' Roll
Best Track: When the Levee Breaks
Rating: [8/10]

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